Friday, May 15, 2009


Today I moved the blackberry bushes from next to the path to along the chain link fence. I am told that it's really hard to kill them, so I hope they survive. I also transplanted two Indian Hawthorne bushes (small ones) from the front yard to the back yard. I hope they survive there. The soil looks rich enough. I lost my Blue Nikko Hydrangeas to the snow this year, so I'm hoping the new shrubs will get established and provide me the privacy I'm looking for in my "dining room". This is what it looked like before I put the shrubs in...

And this is what it looked like after...

Not as exciting but still necessary I did some more raking and cleared out the dog run. I'll leave the bagging up for Eric. I also pulled a ton of invasive vinca from the front yard area by the bedroom window and along the fence line in the backyard.

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